Performance Programs.

Kidz-N-Co Talent / Performance Programs

Performance Program – born 2018 & 2017

For children turning 7 or 8 during the year.

The Performance Program is for students who are very excited to try lots of different styles of performing and keen to improve quickly. A terrific all round program in just two days a week!

Try the WHOLE program – no obligation. CLICK HERE FOR AN UNLIMITED 7 DAY CLASS PASS

Performance program package includes ALL these 8 classes.

(Please note most of these classes may NOT be taken separately. Only as part of the Performance Program.)
  • Thursday
    • 3.30-4.15pm    Primary/Gr 1 RAD Classical Ballet
    • 4.15-5.00pm    Tap Dance
    • 5.00-5.45pm    Hip Hop & Jazz Dance
  • Saturday
    • 11.15-12.00pm.    Speech and Drama
    • 12.00-12.45pm.  Acrobatics
    • 12.45-1.30pm.    Primary/Gr 1 RAD Classical Ballet
    • 1.30-2.15pm.      Jazz
    • 2.15-3.00pm.      Singing

Discounted Price for Performance Program Package ALL 8 classes: $780 per term (value $960) SAVE $780 per year Fee details Here

Can’t make it two days a week?  No worries – you can also Choose your own classes.

Try the WHOLE program – no obligation. CLICK HERE FOR AN UNLIMITED 7 DAY CLASS PASS

When I look at your work across all the age groups in the concert I can see how much you really value each of the kids individually, no matter what their level, and that’s one of the things I love about your studio.
Catherine Venz

Wear: All students wear a Kidz-N-Co Talent uniform

  • Girls – Kidz-N-Co Talent aqua leotard and aqua scrunchie with black short or long tights (buy online from parent portal) Pink ballet shoes, camel tap shoes, black jazz shoes and pink ballet socks (Buy from Dance Shop) Hair in a bun.
  • Boys – Kidz-N-Co Talent black shorts and blue singlet (buy online from parent portal) black ballet shoes, black jazz shoes, black socks and black tap shoes (Buy from Dance Shop)

Dance Store: Backstage Dance Shop Annerley. 666 Ipswich Rd. 0499738722.

Contacts: Parent Portal –  Calendar  General studio enquiries 

Performance:  Performance program students are offered many exciting performance opportunities during the year.

  • In our Eisteddfod classes in term one and two on Saturdays we work on dance competitions ready for performance in May.  Click here for all the details.
  • In term two and three we use the Eisteddfod classes on Saturdays for musical theatre productions (even years) or drama plays and improvisations (odd years) to be performed in September.
  • In OCTOBER students sit their classical ballet examination with the Royal Academy of Dance. They are all awarded with a lovely medal and it is a very exciting day for them. There are a couple of extra practise days as well. Calendar 
  • In JULY holidays we run a traditional pantomime that attracts audiences from all over Brisbane. There are 4 days of rehearsal and then 6 performances. Children will have the opportunity to take part as an optional extra. Check the dates on our Calendar 
  • Our end of year recital in early DECEMBER is a chance for children to dress up in a beautiful costume and perform on a stage with lovely lights etc. Calendar 

Insurance: We are covered by full $20 million public liability.  All our teachers have suitable qualifications and a blue card from the Commission for Children and Young People.

Parking: Please observe our parking requirements.



Performance Program – born 2016

For children turning 8 during the year.


An exciting program for students who love performing and are motivated to achieve great results despite attending just 2 days a week!

Try the WHOLE program – no obligation with your UNLIMITED 7 DAY CLASS PASS

Performance program package includes ALL these classes.

(Please note most of these classes may NOT be taken separately. Only as part of the Performance Program.)
  • Thursday
    • 3.30-4.15pm    Gr 2 RAD Classical Ballet
    • 4.15-5.00pm    Tap Dance
    • 5.00-5.45pm    Hip Hop & Jazz Dance
  • Saturday
    • 11.15-12.00pm.    Speech and Drama
    • 12.00-12.45pm.   Acrobatics
    • 1.30-2.15pm.        Jazz
    • 2.15-3.00pm.       Singing
    • 3.00-3.45pm.      Grade 2 RAD Classical Ballet
    • WE ALSO SUGGEST ADDING EISTEDDFOD CLASS – 8&under from 10.30am-11.15am and 10 &under from 9.00-10.30am

Discounted Price for Performance Program Package for all 8 classes: $780 per term (value $960) SAVE $760 per year Fee details Here

Can’t make it two days a week?  No worries – you can also Choose your own classes.

Try the WHOLE program – no obligation. CLICK HERE FOR AN UNLIMITED 7 DAY CLASS PASS

When I look at your work across all the age groups in the concert I can see how much you really value each of the kids individually, no matter what their level, and that’s one of the things I love about your studio.
Catherine Venz

Wear: All students wear a Kidz-N-Co Talent uniform

  • Girls – Kidz-N-Co Talent aqua leotard and aqua scrunchie with black short or long tights (buy online from parent portal) Pink ballet shoes, camel tap shoes, black jazz shoes and pink ballet socks (Buy from Dance Shop) Hair in a bun.
  • Boys – Kidz-N-Co Talent black shorts and blue singlet (buy online from parent portal) black ballet shoes, black jazz shoes, black socks and black tap shoes (Buy from Dance Shop)

Dance Store: Backstage Dance Shop Annerley. 666 Ipswich Rd. 0499738722.

Contacts: Parent Portal –  Calendar  General studio enquiries 

Performance:  Performance program students are offered many exciting performance opportunities during the year.

  • In our Eisteddfod classes in term one and two on Saturdays we work on dance competitions ready for performance in May.  Click here for all the details.
  • In term two and three we use the Eisteddfod classes on Saturdays for musical theatre productions (even years) or drama plays and improvisations (odd years) to be performed in September.
  • In OCTOBER students sit their classical ballet examination with the Royal Academy of Dance. They are all awarded with a lovely medal and it is a very exciting day for them. There are a couple of extra practise days as well. Calendar 
  • In JULY holidays we run a traditional pantomime that attracts audiences from all over Brisbane. There are 4 days of rehearsal and then 6 performances. Children will have the opportunity to take part as an optional extra. Check the dates on our Calendar 
  • Our end of year recital in early DECEMBER is a chance for children to dress up in a beautiful costume and perform on a stage with lovely lights etc. Calendar 

Insurance: We are covered by full $20 million public liability. All our teachers have suitable qualifications and a blue card from the Commission for Children and Young People.

Parking: Please observe our parking requirements.



Performance Program born 2014 & 2015

For children turning 10&11 during the year.

An exciting program for students who love performing and are motivated to achieve great results. Students attend ONLY two days a week but cover an amazingly comprehensive Performing Arts program in those two days.

Try the WHOLE program – no obligation with your UNLIMITED 7 DAY CLASS PASS

Performance program package includes ALL these classes.

(Please note these classes may only be taken as part of the Performance Program UNLESS you are an experienced dancer. Please email in this case)

3.45-4.30pm.  Grade 3&4 RAD ballet
4.30-5.15pm.   Jazz
5.15-6.00pm.   Tap.
6.00-6.30pm.   Ballet

10.30-11.15am    Speech and Drama
11.15-12.00pm.    Jazz
12.00-12.45pm    Acrobatics
12.45-1.30pm       Tap
1.30-2.15pm          Singing
2.15-3.00pm.       Gr 3&4 RAD ballet
3.00-3.45pm.       Singing
WE ALSO SUGGEST ADDING EISTEDDFOD CLASS 10&under 9.00-10.30am and 12&under 3.45-5.15pm.

Discounted Price for Performance Program Package: $990 (value $1200) SAVE $840 per year

Can’t make it two days a week? No worries. You can also Choose your own classes

When I look at your work across all the age groups in the concert I can see how much you really value each of the kids individually, no matter what their level, and that’s one of the things I love about your studio.
Catherine Venz

Wear: All students wear a Kidz-N-Co Talent uniform

  • Girls – Kidz-N-Co Talent blue OR black leotard with black long or short tights And activated industry singlet (buy online from parent portal) Pink ballet shoes, camel tap shoes, black jazz shoes and pink ballet socks (Buy from Dance Shop) Hair in a bun.
  • Boys – Kidz-N-Co Talent black shorts and blue singlet (buy online from parent portal) black ballet shoes, black jazz shoes, black socks and black tap shoes (Buy from Dance Shop)
  • Dance Store: Backstage Dance Shop Annerley. 666 Ipswich Rd. 0499738722.
  • Contacts: Parent Portal –  Calendar  General studio enquiries 
  • Performance:  Performance program students are offered many exciting performance opportunities during the year
  • In our Eisteddfod classes in term one and two on Saturdays we work on dance competitions ready for performance in May.  Click here for all the details.
  • In term two and three we use the Eisteddfod classes on Saturdays for musical theatre productions (even years) or drama plays and improvisations (odd years) to be performed in September.
  • In OCTOBER students sit their classical ballet examination with the Royal Academy of Dance. They are all awarded with a lovely medal and it is a very exciting day for them. There are a couple of extra practise days as well. Calendar 
  • In JULY holidays we run a traditional pantomime that attracts audiences from all over Brisbane. There are 4 days of rehearsal and then 6 performances. Children will have the opportunity to take part as an optional extra. Check the dates on our Calendar 
  • Our end of year recital in early DECEMBER is a chance for children to dress up in a beautiful costume and perform on a stage with lovely lights etc. Calendar 

Insurance: We are covered by full $20 million public liability. All our teachers have suitable qualifications and a blue card from the Commission for Children and Young People.

Parking: Please observe our parking requirements.



Performance Program born 2013 & 2012

For children turning 12&13 during the year.

So many exciting options for experienced students who love performing and are motivated to achieve great results.  And now with more flexibility to choose classes to suit you!

General Performance Classes

Performance Jazz  – Wednesday 4.30-5.15pm
Fast moving and challenging advanced jazz class. Warmup, technique and routine construction. Students should enrol in this class if they wish to be eligible for the jazz, song and dance, novelty and hip hop numbers in concerts and dance eisteddfod competitions. Must also attend ballet technique class on Saturday. Suggested for those with at least 4 years of dance experience.

Ballet technique  – Saturday  1.30-2.15pm
This class is compulsory for all students wishing to compete with our dance eisteddfod team in any genre.  It is based on barre work and developing the fundamental strength, control and posture essential for all styles of dance. Suggested at least 4 years of dance experience and having completed grade 4 RAD material.

Performance Tap – Wednesday 5.15-6.00pm
Advanced level tap class. Students should enrol in this class if they wish to be able to be included in tap, street tap and song and tap items for dance competitions and concerts. Suggested at least 4 years of dance experience.

Performance Acrobatics  – Saturday  12.00-12.45pm
Great for fitness, strength and flexibility and recommended for all.  Compulsory for students who wish to perform in acrobatic items at eisteddfods and concerts. Suggested at least 4 years of dance experience.

Performance Ballet  – Wednesday  6.00-6.30pm
Students should attend this class if this wish to take part in classical ballet items in eisteddfods and concerts. Must also attend ballet technique class on Saturday. Suggested at least 4 years of dance experience.

Singing 12&under – Saturday 3.00-3.45pm
Students should enrol in this class if they wish to have the opportunity to be included in 12&under items such as Musical Theatre, Novelty, Song & Dance and Song & Tap in dance eisteddfods and concerts. It is also essential for those wishing to take part in Musical Productions. Suggested at least 4 years of performance experience.

Singing 15&under – Tuesday 7.00-7.30pm
Students should enrol in this class if they wish to have the opportunity to be included in 15&under items such as Musical Theatre, Novelty, Song & Dance and Song & Tap in dance eisteddfods and concerts. It is also essential for those wishing to take part in Musical Productions. Suggested at least 4 years of performance experience.

Speech and Drama – Saturday 12.45-1.30pm
Students should attend this class if they wish to have the opportunity to be included in drama plays and improvisations, musical theatre productions and items such as Musical Theatre and Novelty at dance eisteddfods. Suggested at least 4 years of performance experience.


*Please note attending an examination class does not guarantee that students will be ready to sit an examination every year. Some advanced and vocational exams take 18months+ to prepare for so students are entered when they are ready rather than annually.

Intermediate Foundation RAD Examination Ballet – Wednesday 6.30-7.15pm
Also need to attend ballet technique and ballet performance classes. Three classes per week required for ballet exams.

Grades 4-5 CSTD Examination Tap – Saturday 5.15-6.00pm
Also required to attend the general tap class on Wednesday.

Grades 4-5 CSTD Exam Jazz – Tuesday 7.30-8.00pm
Also required to attend the general jazz class on Wednesday and the ballet technique class on Saturday.

We also recommend all dancers take part in performance opportunities such as DANCE EISTEDDFODS These include 15s Eisteddfod on a Tuesday and 12s Eisteddfod on a Saturday.

Timetable by Day.

5.30-7.00pm.   15s EISTEDDFOD CLASS
7.00-7.30pm.    Singing 15s
7.30-8.00pm.    CSTD Jazz EXAM

4.30-5.15pm.    Performance Jazz
5.15-6.00pm.    Performance Tap
6.00-6.30pm.   Performance Ballet
6.30-7.15pm     Int Found Ballet EXAM

12.00-12.45pm     Performance Acrobatics
12.45-1.30pm.      Speech and Drama
1.30-2.15pm.        Technical Ballet
3.00-3.45pm.       Singing
3.45-5.15pm.       12s EISTEDDFOD CLASS
5.15-6.00pm.       CSTD Tap EXAM

When I look at your work across all the age groups in the concert I can see how much you really value each of the kids individually, no matter what their level, and that’s one of the things I love about your studio.
Catherine Venz

Wear: All students wear a Kidz-N-Co Talent uniform

  • Girls -Hair in a neat bun. Kidz-N-Co Talent black leotard, black tights – choose short or 3/4 length AND activated industry singlet (buy online from parent portal) Pink ballet shoes, tan tap shoes, black jazz shoes and pink ballet tights (Buy from Dance Shop)
  • Boys – Kidz-N-Co Talent black pippin pants and black activated industry singlet (buy online from parent portal) black ballet tights, white energetiks leotard, black ballet shoes, black jazz shoes and black tap shoes (Buy all from Dance Shop) Black socks (buy from Kmart)

Absolutely plain black own choice quality dancewear also acceptable for this age group

Recommended Dance Store: Backstage Dance Shop Annerley. 666 Ipswich Rd. 0499738722.

Contacts: Parent Portal –  Calendar –  General studio enquiries 

    • In our Eisteddfod classes in term one and two we work on dance competitions ready for performance in MAY.  Click here for all the details.
    • In term two and three we use the Eisteddfod classes on Saturdays for musical theatre productions (even years) or drama plays and improvisations (odd years) to be performed in SEPTEMBER.
    • In JULY holidays we run a traditional pantomime that attracts audiences from all over Brisbane. There are 4 days of rehearsal and then 6 performances. Children will have the opportunity to take part as an optional extra. Check the dates on our Calendar 
    • Our end of year recital in early DECEMBER is a chance for children to dress up in a beautiful costume and perform on a stage with lovely lights etc. Calendar 
    • Those who choose to add on jazz and tap exam classes will sit their examinations with the CSTD in NOVEMBER.
    • In OCTOBER students who choose to take the exam ballet classes sit their classical ballet examination with the Royal Academy of Dance. There are a couple of extra practise days as well. Calendar 

Insurance: We are covered by full $20 million public liability. All our teachers have suitable qualifications and a blue card from the Commission for Children and Young People.

Parking: Please observe our parking requirements.

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