Wonderful for confidence and self esteem our drama classes develop great communication skills and clear, correct speech. We feel Speech and Drama is the most essential performing arts skill we teach. It develops such wonderful confidence and the ability to speak articulately in front of an audience. These skills allow our drama students to excel in oral presentations at school so directly affects their school marks.
We follow the Trinity College London Drama Syllabus. This includes poetry, acting, prose, literature, mime, improvisation and public speaking. Examinations are offered to students from the age of 13 years.
The higher level examinations in acting, musical theatre and performance arts give students an equivalency score. This can be used INSTEAD of school results for university entrance. We receive excellent results having topped the state and the country on a number of occasions in these examinations.
Drama classes are offered at Kidz-N-Co for children from the year they turn 5. Speech and Drama is also an important part of our Performance and Ultimate Little Stars program.
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